Taep Iswa Plaeng Ruesi Muni Pob Pim Yai Ongk Kroo - Nuea Pong Taep Jamlaeng Fang Hyok Lai Sen 2554 BE Wai Kroo Edition amulet from Kruba Krissana Intawano. The Lersi Taep Iswa Plaeng is a transformation of the God Shiva, who incarnates in this emanations as the Ruesi Muni Pob. Only 200 amulets were made in this limited edition series. Ruesi Muni Pob is believed to be an Incarnation of the God Shiva in his own right, and the transformation is revealed in the wings of the Taep Jamlaeng The Ruesi Taep Muni Pob is multi-armed emanation, and imbued with the Yab-Yum power of the Taep Jamlaeng Transformation of Shiva-Kali as Animus and Anima. The rear face of the amulet has a large piece of green jade inserted for auspicious blessings, health, wealth and happiness, with the signature of Kruba Krissana embossed on the surface of the amulet. This Pim is one of the more highly sought after and rare models, which received instant popularity, for the beauftiful design, and for...